Along The Way

RABBI JAN / Jan Rosenberg

Along the way, our lives are filled with hopes, dreams, ambitions and choices. At first, it feels like there’s plenty of time to accomplish all of our longterm goals, but life has a way of moving faster than we ever expected. We blink our eyes and suddenly we’re looking back on all our past years. What is life? It’s a vapor, that appears for a

Along the way, our lives are filled with hopes, dreams, ambitions and choices. At first, it feels like there’s plenty of time to accomplish all of our longterm goals, but life has a way of moving faster than we ever expected. We blink our eyes and suddenly we’re looking back on all our past years. What is life? It’s a vapor, that appears for a moment, then vanishes away! Our success is not determined simply by having hopes, or even by our two-fisted determination, but is established by Who we know and how well we yield to Him. In fact, as we submit to God and His plan for our lives, it’s never too late to become more than we ever dreamed we could be! Struggles and challenges in life may seem extremely overwhelming at times, but God is always greater than our difficulties, and continually working for our good. His eternal resources are not limited by our humanly perceived limitations. He is not turned off by our frailties, but delights in helping us fulfill our destiny as He calls to us, “come near to Me.” Never allow circumstances or people’s opinions to rob you of your joy, peace and calling in life! Walk intimately with HaShem, learn of His ways, and He will direct your paths. Through the foggy mist and shadowy memories of our distant past, to the natural questions of our unknown future, God provides us with His presence, guidance and zeh hayom (this day). Yes, “today” is the gift that ties it all together. All the questions and struggles of our heart are fully answered in the person and divine authority of Messiah. He is the one who sets the captives free, and brings us into a large place in union with the Almighty. Be encouraged by His intent towards you, "There is an answer, don't you worry, I’ll not forsake you nor leave you alone!” Begin to trust God now, and embrace the joy of every gifted moment and breath!

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